The Million Dollar Marketing Secret:

This comprehensive marketing system will have people literally lining up to buy from you!

Whether you’ve been in business for years and are looking to grow, or you’re just starting out and want to get off to a strong start, this program is packed with information that will accelerate you light-years beyond your competition.

Module 1: Introduction to The Million-Dollar Marketing Secret:

  • Why simply learning marketing skills won’t necessarily make you rich – unless you spend the time and energy to develop a “marketing mind”.
  • How subconscious blocks around marketing could be causing you to sabotage your own success without you even realizing it.
  • The “4 keys” that will help you let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs around marketing that might be holding you back from success in life.

Introduction to Marketing Part 1:

Million Dollar Business Secret And How You Can Use It In Your Business Immediately! Why do most businesses stay away from what’s going to make them the most money and how you can change that. Why simply learning marketing skills won’t necessarily make you rich – unless you spend the time and energy to develop a “marketing mind”. This module will help you to know about marketing and its importance.

Introduction to Marketing Part 2:

Million Dollar Business Secret And How You Can Use It In Your Business Immediately! Why do most businesses stay away from what’s going to make them the most money and how you can change that. Why simply learning marketing skills won’t necessarily make you rich – unless you spend the time and energy to develop a “marketing mind”. This episode will help you to know about marketing and its importance.

Introduction to Marketing Part 3:

Million Dollar Business Secret And How You Can Use It In Your Business Immediately! Why do most businesses stay away from what’s going to make them the most money and how you can change that. Why simply learning marketing skills won’t necessarily make you rich – unless you spend the time and energy to develop a “marketing mind”. This episode will help you to know about marketing and its importance.

Introduction to Marketing Part 4:

In this module, you will learn the four ways of thinking about marketing that will make you a millionaire marketer. These four are as follows: 1: Let go of the belief that marketing doesn’t pertain to you or in your business. 2: Don’t be concerned about rejection – someone saying “no”. 3: Solve problems. 4: Educate vs. sell.

Module 2: Marketing Strategy and Target Market

  • What a marketing system is and why it’s vital to any successful business and how to create your own.
  • How to identify the perfect market – so you don’t have to spend time, energy and money trying to convince uninterested people to buy.
  • How to create a “secondary” market to maximize your income without any added effort.

Marketing Strategy and Target Market Part 1:

You learn about the marketing system which is vital to any successful business. You will also learn how to create your own. This will help you to identify the perfect market – so you don’t have to spend time, energy, and money trying to convince uninterested people to buy. You will also learn to create a “secondary” market to maximize your income without any added effort.

Marketing Strategy and Target Market Part 2:

This module will help you to identify your Target Market. You will be able to clearly define your target market and serve them more effectively and efficiently to earn a lot of money in your life.

Module 3: The Message

  • How to develop your business’s message and help your products or services stand out from the crowd.
  • What a unique selling proposition is, why you need one and how it will help you uncover hidden advantages against your competitors.
  • Why positioning yourself as an expert is one of the best USP’s (Unique Selling Propositions) you can use in your marketing and how to automatically become one.

Module 4: The Medium

  • 60+ effective ways you can market and distribute your product – some you’ve probably never considered before.
  • What joint ventures are, and why they’re one of the best ways to create rapid growth along with helping you maintain steady, ongoing momentum in your business.
  • Step-by-step how to create a referral system, so you can turn your existing customers into  raving fans and have them connect with an unlimited amount of new potential prospects. (Just imagine if every single one of your customers referred you just 1 new customer – your business would AUTOMATICALLY DOUBLE!)

The Medium Part 1: Joint Venture Endorsed Mailing System

What joint ventures are, and why they’re one of the best ways to create rapid growth along with helping you maintain steady, ongoing momentum in your business. Insurance Agents/ Advisors will learn to do 100 policies in a day or increase your business to 100 fold.

The Medium Part 2: Formal Referral System

The one client that makes you a millionaire. You will learn step-by-step how to create a referral system, so you can turn your existing customers into raving fans and have them connect with an unlimited amount of new potential prospects. (Just imagine if every single one of your customers referred you just 1 new customer – your business would AUTOMATICALLY DOUBLE!)

Module 5: Maximizing Marketing

  • How developing a “backend” to your business is the quickest way to get rich in business and how it cultivates loyal customers or clients who last for life.
  • What your customer’s lifetime value is and how to increase it by 10X by using special “marketing funnel”.
  • How to create high-end packages and how to create attractive bundles of your products and services using irresistible offer template.
  • BONUS TRAINING: How to double your profits in 5 minutes or less.

Maximizing Marketing Part 1: The Quickest Way To Get Rich In Your

The Quickest Way to Get Rich in Your Business: You will learn a front–end–customer acquisition– strategy, You will learn about a traditional sales funnel to offer the best message at all stages. A back–end–lifetime value – strategy: is how you keep customers in and active in your business.

Maximizing Marketing Part 2 : Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Life Time Value: You will learn about the customer acquisition cost with two factors namely payback period and customer lifetime value. You must buy a business with an outrageous offer this is the strategy of front-end marketing and you must line up your product for repeat selling up-sell and down-sell, the strategy of back-end marketing.

MAXIMIZING MARKETING PART 3: A PACKAGE/BUNDLE The Fastest Ways to Increase Profit in Any Business

This will help you to set your business on fire. One of the fastest ways to increase profit in any business is to increase dollars per sale. Make sure to have several products or services and create packages so your customers may feel that they are stealing the product.

Maximizing Marketing: Product Bundle part-2 Increase your Revenue Up To 300%

Bundling is a sales process of selling two or more products together as one unit, often with a price usually lower than the sum of individual items. Your package could be several of the same items or of related items. Another way to create a package is by adding bonuses. According to Monetate, product bundle recommendations can:  Increase revenue up to 300% Increase conversions by up to 150% Increase average order value by as much as 50%

Maximizing Marketing Part 4: Continuity Program

Continuity program: A continuity program could be the biggest, the simplest, and the most profitable money maker you have. Selling something once and delivering it on an ongoing basis while you receive revenue on an ongoing basis and payment comes to your bank account automatically.

Maximizing Marketing Part 5 : The Profit Multiplier

You will learn to double your revenue just in five minutes or less. You will learn to do upsell and down-sell marketing. You will find the treasure in marketing and become rich.